Sign, oval or rectangle

Sign, oval or rectangle
Sign, oval or rectangle
Sign, oval or rectangle
Sign, oval or rectangle
Sign, oval or rectangle
Sign, oval or rectangle
Sign, oval or rectangle
Sign, oval or rectangle
Sign, oval or rectangle

Customize sign with your own text. Use at home or office e.g. at doors or give as a gift!

Write text(s) in the Text field.

Choose the shape and size.

Choose the amount of signs. Price is cheaper for more signs.

Write the same amount of texts to text field.

For example

- if you choose the amount of 1 sign - write 1 text to text field e.g. Isabella.

- if you choose the amount of 3 signs - write 3 texts to text field e.g. Sara, Aurora and Isabella.

In oval sign the hole is in the middle and in rectangle in corners.

In additional wishes field you can add wishes about the text and holes. E.g. you wish to have the sign without hole.


Text style
Script 2
Plate size (width x height)
10 x 6 cm
Sign shape

