Matchbox with text and greetings

Matchbox with text and greetings
Matchbox with text and greetings
Matchbox with text and greetings
Matchbox with text and greetings
Matchbox with text and greetings
Matchbox with text and greetings
Matchbox with text and greetings
Matchbox with text and greetings
Matchbox with text and greetings
Matchbox with text and greetings
Matchbox with text and greetings
Matchbox with text and greetings

Customize unique beautiful birch wood matchbox with your own text and wishes.

Choose color and text style. Choose box size - with one or two matchboxes.

Coose cover style - lace, simple or crisscross.

Add text to Text field.


You can also add text to the back side of the box. Choose Add engraving in "Engraving also in back cover". Write clearly what you wish engraved on top and what in the back.


You can also wish for figure - check options in the images and write which image you wish to have in the Additional wishes field.

Note that in Lace and Crisscross boxes with only short text.

On box size is round 5,5cm. Big around 8,5 cm.


Text style
Script 2
Natural birch, wood
Box size
One box case
Box style
Engraving also on back cover
No engraving

